In The Hazy CBD Beauty Category, Prima Aims To Be A Beacon Of Clarity

The transition of cannabidiol, better known as CBD, from cult black market ingredient to legal ubiquity has been quick and messy. The beauty and wellness industry is being flooded with CBD products, many with suspect formulas, while...

The Designer Moms Behind New Brand Bite-Me Bug Free Fend Off Insects With Natural Ingredients And Cool, Kid-Friendly Style

Burnt out after over 15 years in the fashion business, Lisa Jean Walsh, formerly creative design director for accessories at Kohl’s, left the intensity of New York a year and a half ago for a slower pace of...

HydroPeptide Founder April Zangl Peck’s Second Act In The Beauty Industry Is A Brand Dedicated To Combatting Suicide And Hair Damage

In her second act in the beauty industry, April Zangl Peck is intent on doing good. After selling the skincare company HydroPeptide in 2016, she’s launched haircare brand Save Me From to fight suicide while addressing damaged...

OWA Haircare’s Water-Free Powder Shampoo Offers A Sustainable Alternative To The Usual Stuff Of Showers

Kailey Bradt suggests conventional shampoos aren’t that different from Evian and Aquafina. She says, “Once people hear shampoo is 80% water on average and learn companies are shipping mostly bottled water, they ask, ‘Why are we doing that?’”...

New Customization Concept Mxt Puts Consumers In Charge Of Their Skincare Products

No one knows your skin better than you. Mxt allows you to construct products just for it. The new artificial intelligence-powered customization concept turns its customers into formulators with two tools: One is a quiz guiding them...

New Brand Cardon Harnesses K-Beauty Technology To Make Men’s Skincare Better

While classmates at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School MBA program, Narae Chung tried to convince Jacqueline Oak to join her embryonic men’s skincare brand. Busy building a small business financial planning tool, Oak kindly declined, but agreed to...