Her Juice Bar Founder Abigail Murdock On Making Feminine Care Sexy
With its sleek earth-toned packaging and product names that sound like bar orders rather than “down-there” products, Her Juice Bar is making feminine care sexy.
The brand’s origin dates back to 2019, when a group of women, including founder Abigail Murdock, got very frank with each other about suffering from vaginal dryness and bacterial vaginosis (BV) during a round of cocktails. The candid conversation sparked Murdock’s idea for a new kind of feminine care brand shining a light on intimate care issues with contemporary candor and aesthetics along with its bestselling product Wet Martini, a vaginal moisture-boosting supplement designed to deliver results in four days.
“I didn’t start Her Juice Bar to become a beauty brand founder,” says Murdock. “I wanted to fulfill a need and help others with their pain points. Doing that had its struggles, but staying passionate about the products instead of solely focusing on the money turned out to be the best way to grow.”
Most recently, Her Juice Bar has released Honey Dew Drop Intimate Wash and pH-balancing suppositories Virgin Cocktail. The brand’s products are priced from $20 to $72 for one-time purchases. It scours comments on its website and social media to inform product development. “Our customers are very vocal and tell us what they’re looking for next regularly,” says Murdock.
Beauty Independent sat down with the entrepreneur to chat about the highs and lows of launching a brand, social media strategy, Her Juice Bar’s impactful packaging overhaul and its future.
Why did you decide to get into the feminine care lane?
This lane of beauty chose me. I was going through my own feminine issues and began confiding in the women in my social circles and family about them. In some ways, I was venting about my frustration, but I was also searching for a preventative measure that would decrease doctor visits and rounds of prescriptions. I started thinking there had to be a way to minimize the chance of these issues without the use of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medications.
After several intimate conversations, I partnered with a lab and gynecologist to formulate products to provide preventative measures for women. Having the science behind the products was necessary, but using natural ingredients was equally important.
Sensitive skin is a big issue in the industry, and I know firsthand how difficult skin conditions are. I have very sensitive skin, and anything I put down there can be either really good or very bad. Partnering with doctors and a pharmaceutical developer meant I could create formulas that fit my skin’s needs and the needs of many other women.
What were you doing before starting Her Juice Bar?
When I first started Her Juice Bar in 2019, I worked full-time at a framing company taking and fulfilling orders. At that time, Her Juice Bar was more of a side gig. The framing company wasn’t a bad fit for me, and I actually enjoyed the work, but I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. In the past, I’d started several e-commerce shops selling everything from clothes to notebooks, but ended up closing them down for one reason or another.
Things were different with Her Juice Bar. Instead of arbitrarily selling items, I had a product I stood behind fully, used regularly and knew other women could benefit from. Even as a side gig, I was much more passionate about this brand than any of my previous e-commerce stores.
So, when COVID hit and I was furloughed, I took it as a sign to put all my energy into Her Juice Bar. It was the right decision, and as I shifted my focus, business took off fast. We had orders coming in from all over, and that’s when I realized just how strong the need for my product was.

How did you begin growing the brand after launching it full-time?
After I decided to go full-time with Her Juice Bar, things moved quickly, and the business felt totally different. In the beginning, I was funding the brand with my job at the framing company and using the help of my family to fulfill and ship the orders. It wasn’t too hard because we launched with and only carried just one product.
Switching gears was a whole new world. Since the decision came unexpectedly, I didn’t have funding or extra help to transition from a side gig to a full-fledged business, but I stuck with what was working for me before. I used my personal funds to source the materials needed and relied on my family’s help with orders. They’re still a big part of the brand.
We have come a long way, and we’re a family-run business. They’ve kept me on my toes and have always been there for support and anything else I needed to make Her Juice Bar happen. We kicked things off, but the biggest benefit during that time was TikTok.
How exactly does feminine care work on TikTok?
TikTok was a hub for people during the pandemic, and in the early days, they were pushing business content for free. It was a blessing because I didn’t have to pay for ads and could still grow my brand through the platform, so I used it like an open network. I wanted the content to be real and relatable, so my sister and I created funny skits dealing with intimate health issues.
Together, we’d come up with catchy dialogue, and she’d pretend to be a distant voice while I’d be responding on camera. We were really having fun with it, but it became like an open network for our customers to talk about their own issues. After each posting, we’d get feedback saying how relatable the content was and thanking us for making it approachable and educational.
TikTok really helped our customer base grow organically and increase steadily over time. That translated into sales, which allowed me to invest further in the business and have the financial security to start running ads on other social media platforms.
What’s your relationship with social media now?
Initially, I ran the social media accounts and did all of the posting. At that time, it was beneficial because I was creating content for women who looked like me, but as Her Juice Bar started growing, I knew I wanted the clientele to be diverse. The products are made for women of all ages and ethnicities, and the social media accounts needed to reflect that.
I decided to take a step back to ensure that that vision came to fruition. We still utilize social media, but differently to capture a wider audience. All of our ads are run through Instagram and Facebook, and most of our TikTok content comes from customers who’ve used the products. Social media has been instrumental in targeting customers and helping that base grow naturally.
Talk to us about the rebranding of Her Juice Bar. What brought that about?
Just like our presence on social media, we needed to evolve to reach a wider group of customers. The rebrand was something I’d had in the back of my mind for a while, and after doing about two years’ worth of research, I was finally ready to pull the trigger. I’d searched high and low and fell in love with a developer who’d worked on branding with several businesses.
At the time, I was stalking this agency called Mint Lane Studios’ Instagram account, and I loved everything they had done with other brands. Her work spoke to me, and once we discussed the specifics, things moved very fast. We officially launched the new website and design in September of 2023.
I told her exactly what I wanted and how I wanted the aesthetic of Her Juice Bar to convey everything the products did. We talked about the color palettes, but, for the most part, I trusted her creative insight, and we ended up with an aesthetic that feels modern and relevant for our customers today.
How did the packaging design contribute to Her Juice Bar?
Packaging and design were beyond important for the growth of Her Juice Bar. These aren’t the washes and wipes you hide in your purse or the back of your bathroom closet. The products are made to make you feel comfortable about hygiene and feminine care, and the packaging needed to deliver that same kind of energy. From the colors to the typography, it needed to look chic and feel luxe because that’s how our products are.
The new packaging is super sleek and has resonated with our customers a lot since we rebranded. Now, we’re not just getting written testimonials, but also pictures and video reviews showcasing the designs. That wasn’t happening before, so I think the packaging has played a big role in helping us target a new audience.
The products are good on their own, but the packaging adds to the experience. It also allowed us to capture a new social media crowd, with many customers sharing their unboxing moments on Instagram and TikTok.

How did Wet Martini, the hero product, come to be?
The Wet Martini has a lot of significance for the brand. It’s an oral supplement that stimulates moisture to alleviate vaginal dryness, [a common side effect of birth control,] and was the first product we launched the brand with. It’s always been a customer favorite, and even today, it’s our top seller.
Beyond that, it helped spark the brand’s name. Initially, I had a few words written down, but ultimately settled on Her Juice Bar because of the Wet Martini. So, I guess it’s been the hero product since day one.
What are some of the business challenges you’ve faced, and how have you overcome them?
Shipping was a big hurdle for us in the beginning. At first, I was using the United States Postal Service, and I had lots of issues with packages being lost or not being delivered. I was constantly getting emails from customers notifying me, and it was a big deal because I never want to disappoint them. Eventually, I decided to switch to UPS, and even though it was more expensive, it solved the problem.
Then, there was the rebrand. With no investors or outside funding, it was going to be expensive. That stressed me out a lot, and there were some nights when I cried myself to sleep worrying about what I would do if it didn’t work. But I really wanted to scale the business, and I knew this was the best way. The full rebrand included a new website, new bottles, packaging, photography and extending the product lineup. The total came out to a little over $250,000.
Packaging was also an issue in the beginning that I didn’t expect. Customers new to feminine care products didn’t always know how to use them. I struggled with how to incorporate instructions and information into the packaging, but with the rebrand, we were able to simplify that.
My current struggle is definitely the warehouse. We recently moved everything to a new location. Moving in general is stressful, but moving a business is a lot. I’m still working through it, but I know it will improve efficiency and shipping logistics in the long run.
What are short- and long-term goals you have for Her Juice Bar?
I definitely want to launch more products starting with another supplement because our customers have requested it. The feminine care space is growing, and I want to be able to offer an assortment of products so you don’t have to go outside of the brand.
I’d love to see Her Juice Bar in stores nationwide as a long-term goal. Right now, we’re just direct-to-consumer, and expanding into storefronts would make the products more accessible.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
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