Three Critical Steps For Bringing A Beauty Product To Market

Before brands forecast finances, settle on channel strategies and venture out into the market, Elena DiGiovanni, strategy and corporate development specialist at Beauty Independent parent company Indie Beauty Media Group, recommends they ponder the following question: “Who do...

Can Beauty Move The Future Forward? A Cosmic Guide For January 2021

At the beginning of 2020, our top goals seemed aligned. We had set expectations for the year. Then, it was nothing like we expected. The main themes of 2020 were disruptive awakenings and...

Leading Retail Brands On 2020 Pivots And 2021 Forecasts Amid Uncertainty

This year has been unlike any other, creating unforeseen challenges for entrepreneurs, from supply chain shortages and soaring unemployment to a work-from-home revolution and e-commerce boom. Persistent questions about the effects of the pandemic and economic...

Beauty Brand Founders Share What They Think Will Be Important Trends In 2021

In this edition of Beauty Independent’s ongoing series posing questions to beauty entrepreneurs, we ask 37 founders and executives: What indie beauty trends do you think will be big in 2021?

Science Is Back In Style In The Beauty Industry

It’s been a rough few years for science, to put it mildly. In the beauty industry, a wave of startups and entrepreneurs touted natural and organic ingredients as the hallmarks of safety and purity, leaving chemists’ lab-created molecules...

The Rise Of Respiratory Wellness

Amid a pandemic that brutally attacks the respiratory system, it should come as no surprise that products designed to bolster lung health and purify the air we breathe have cropped up, forming a nascent personal care...