“A Diversified Brand”: Undefined Enters Whole Foods With Adaptogenic Mushroom Products As It Expands From CBD

Undefined hit the market with CBD beauty products a few months prior to the federal Farm Bill that legalized the hemp trade in the United States being signed into law in December 2018. Since then, the...

Beauty Entrepreneurs’ (Surprising) Reactions To The Great Celebrity Bathing Controversy Of 2021

There’s something about being squeaky clean that Americans really value. It’s at least part of the reason why personal hygiene is a huge priority for them, two-thirds shower daily, and oil-based cleansers light on suds have...

How Beauty Brands Think The Delta Variant Will Impact Business—And What They’re Doing As A Result

In this edition of Beauty Independent’s ongoing series posing questions to beauty entrepreneurs and executives, we ask 19 of them: How do you think the Delta variant could affect your business and the beauty business more...

DTC Brands Have Proliferated In Domestic Markets. Now, Mayple Is Taking Them Around The World.

During a trip to Dubai last year that, in characteristic pandemic fashion, stretched from a planned two weeks to four months, Ammar Moiz noticed the cool brands he’d become familiar with living in New York were nowhere to...

What Indie Beauty Brands Need To Know About Employing Third-Party Logistics Services

When the pandemic brought much of brick-and-mortar retail to a screeching halt last year, many beauty brands pivoted their focus to direct-to-consumer orders. Although retail rebounded during the first half of this year, most haven’t pulled...