Eight Tips For Bettering Indie Beauty Brands’ Business Prospects With Marketing And E-Commerce Efforts

In the midst of COVID-19 quarantines, downtime means a ton of screen time. Although there’s great economic and societal uncertainty, misinformation and fearmongering at the moment, examples of companies that leveraged digitization as previous crises limited physical interaction...

Communications In The Time Of Coronavirus: PR Professionals Weigh In On Crucial Steps Beauty Brands Should Be Taking Right Now

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads, brand messages that made sense even a day ago may be unwise. The communications and sales strategies pursued over the next 90 days could make or break small beauty businesses. Above and beyond...

Influencer Marketing: Strategies For Indie Beauty Brands

With the pathway to viral, organic growth a dream that’s disappearing, paid influencer marketing is one of the lower-cost options available to beauty brands looking to scale their businesses. Influencer marketing is maturing and increasing in value and,...

Indie Beauty Brands Pivot To Produce In-Demand Hand Sanitizer

Indie beauty brands are known for being nimble. In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, they’re showing just how nimble they can be. Small skincare and body care companies have switched to hand sanitizer production in response to...

As Coronavirus Ravages The Economy, Indie Beauty Brands Roll Out Deals As Pick-Me-Ups For Consumers And Their Businesses

By the end of last week, Tanaïs, founder of niche color cosmetics range Hi Wildflower, was becoming extremely worried about the future of her business as the global coronavirus crisis grows. “I had this moment where...