Beauty Heroes’ Jeannie Jarnot Wants To Kick Fear Out Of Natural Beauty Shopping
Jeannie Jarnot, founder of beauty product discovery service Beauty Heroes, is our beauty hero. She broke down the personal-care ingredients to avoid in a simple pocket guide when clean beauty was a mere blip on the...

Hydro Kitty’s Not-So-Subtle Plan To Normalize Cannabis Beauty
Hydro Kitty is cultivating a booming crop of cannabis beauty. User experience designer Alyssa Tucker’s first foray into beauty, the online store carries products containing cannabidiol or CBD, a therapeutic marijuana molecule, from brands...

No Fakes Allowed: The Organic Bunny Scores Sales And Followers Organically
Early to the clean beauty digital scene, Amanda Jo, a.k.a. Organic Bunny, has become a standard-bearer for chic, on-trend natural makeup. She’s methodically built a following of likeminded fans who devour her immaculate beauty imagery, and...

Vagina Dialogue With The Honey Pot Company’s Founder
“The vagina is the next big thing,” exclaims The Honey Pot Company founder Beatrice Feliu Espada, and she has the PO’s to prove it. Already entrenched in Whole Foods’ Southeast stores, Honey Pot...

Beard Balm Founder Delivers The Goods And Builds Sales By Bike
If you spot a fellow with a sizable beard toting natural grooming products around Detroit on a Schwinn, wave hello to Jon Koller, the founder of Beard Balm. About a year-and-a-half ago, he...