Core Concepts

Five Strategies For Developing Beauty Products For Diverse Customer Bases
Beauty brand founders often develop a product because of a problem they have, but a product aimed at a single person doesn’t generally result in a successful brand. Products must be developed for a varied population being constantly...

Five Things Brands Need To Consider To Be Retail Ready
Direct-to-consumer distribution has been a go-to strategy for cash-strapped startups because of its low barriers to entry, but retail still has major benefits for business. Even as some brick-and-mortar concepts, particularly department...

Beauty On Amazon Part 4C: Established Indie Brands Play Offense On Amazon
In part four of our Amazon series, we investigate the relationship between brands and Amazon using data from two surveys conducted by Beauty Independent of 300 brand founders and key decision-makers. The first survey was conducted at the...

Beauty On Amazon Part 4B: The Highs And Lows Of Selling On The Massive E-Tailer As An Emerging Beauty Brand
In part four of our Amazon series, we investigate the relationship between brands and Amazon using data from two surveys conducted by Beauty Independent of 300 founders and other key decision-makers at brands. The first survey was conducted...

Beauty On Amazon Part 4A: Why Many Beauty Brands Avoid Amazon
In the first three parts of our Beauty on Amazon series, we covered how Amazon has been positioning itself to be a formidable player in beauty commerce, the various business models Amazon employs to work with beauty and...

Launching A Product Is Hard. These Are The Steps Brands Should Take To Do It Right.
To Courtney Regan, director of global marketing and communications at Cosmetic Solutions, it can’t be emphasized enough that launching a product is the most pivotal milestone in a brand’s life cycle. “You’ve been through the product development...